Hi, I'm Robynn

Your Launch Strategist

Business & Launch Coach. Course Creator. Author.

If you are ready to do what you know you should have been doing all along – JOIN ME in my journey as I hold your hand and walk you through STEP-BY-STEP to becoming a thought leader, generating new sales, and building the amazing business you have always wanted.

About Me

Want to know why it took me 20 years to become an overnight success?

Before I wrote my first eBook, before I created my Three Days to Thrive podcast, before I created my checklists, cheatsheets, and online programs, before – when I had zero prospects on my email list…

I was working just like you – hour per hour to make money. If I wasn’t working, I wasn’t getting paid.

I listened and I learned. I jumped from one expert to the next, but I NEVER took the time to actually figure it out. I had a ton of ideas, and experience, but no clear direction for turning those dreams into reality.

I was full of enthusiasm and energy, but lacked the demeanor to actually STOP and get something done outside of my “regular” or “traditional” business.

So, I told myself -

now is the time!

Stop making excuses

I told myself that if I created the business I always wanted – I could truly make MY FAMILY and my friends a priority. THAT WAS MY MOTIVATION.

And I am here to tell you – I figured out the BEST WAY to start an online business and now I am ready to share it with you.

So what changed? What did I do differently? What was the key to getting this feeling of FREEDOM?

I discovered that building my dream business was NOT as hard as I anticipated, if I could just STAY FOCUSED. I just needed to focus on ONE project at a time. That was the KEY. One project at a time.

So, before I did ANYTHING, I created one digital product that I knew I would be excited to share. With no followers, no email list, nothing – I wrote an eBook, and practically overnight, I established myself as an expert in my field.

Then, I turned that eBook into an entire writing system, with videos and worksheets. Then, I used that content to start my Three Days to Thrive podcast and the rest is history!

The book immediately brought in new clients (before it was even published!) and new opportunities.

I know many of you are about to run right now – you’re thinking, “I’m not a writer!”

You can’t imagine trying to figure out how or when you would have time to write a book.

But stop. Don’t run. You don’t have to be a “writer” to write a book about your business – you just need to be knowledgeable and confident in what you do.

AND you need a step-by-step guide that will quickly walk you through the process (in 3 days or less!), so you can get back to doing what you do best – running your business!

The days, weeks, and months I spent researching, learning, editing, messing up, and trying again – all could have been avoided if I had a guide telling me exactly what to do and how to do it.

A few more lines

About Me

  • Author of Three Days to Thrive: How to Write an eBook in Three Days or Less
  • Owner of RGA Creative Marketing Agency for 20 years
  • Mother of 3 plus 2 BONUS kids! (All pictured here -plus a few extras I consider mine!)
  • Yes! We are tall! We range from 4'9 - 6'8!
  • Can't get enough of my fiance, Brad
  • Embarrassingly obsessed with Friends
  • Can be found in the kitchen dancing to Maroon Five's Sugar on repeat
  • Writer at heart, marketer by default
  • Prefers a beach, but loves to ski
  • I love scuba and shark diving - always up for an adventure!
  • I keep listing things to match the length of the family photo!
  • I am an EX-procrastinator - life is too short!!

How to Write an eBook in Three Days or Less

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